By: Brenna Miles.   |   Posted: July 01, 2024

Child sponsorship changes lives. But why sponsor a child through Compassion? Learn what makes us different (and see the impact for yourself) here.

Why Sponsor a Child in Need With Compassion?

Child sponsorship changes lives. But why sponsor a child through Compassion? Learn what makes us different (and see the impact for yourself) here.

Written by Brenna Miles.
Photography by Emily Turner.
Five children in the child sponsorship program, standing in front of a brick wall, wearing their school uniforms, smile and laugh facing the camera.

Millions of children live in extreme poverty around the world. They struggle to survive, unable to get their most basic necessities, such as food, medical checkups and clean water.

But there’s hope for these little ones — and it starts with us.

When you sponsor a child in need, you offer them what they need to thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually. But which child sponsorship charity do you choose?

Here, we’ll walk you through the power of partnering with Compassion through sponsorship. You’ll learn how we’re different and why our program works so you can feel confident in your decision to partner with us as we release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

What's Here:

Why Sponsor a Child in Need?

Child sponsorship means donating to a child monthly. This consistent support ensures a child has what they need to meet their immediate and ongoing needs as they journey out of poverty.

  • To share the gospel: In John 16:33 (NIV), Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Children in poverty experience many challenges. But by hearing the gospel, they find eternal hope in the Overcomer, Jesus. Through sponsorship, you’ll get to share the gospel with a child, changing their life forever.
  • To provide protection: Children in poverty are vulnerable to abuse, trafficking and violence. Through sponsorship, you’ll help us protect every child in our program. You’ll help us intervene in cases of abuse, provide child protection training to our care providers and staff members, and offer restoration and healing to victims through counseling, spiritual encouragement and support.
  • To ensure health and well-being: Children stricken by poverty are highly vulnerable to disease. And many lack the medical resources needed to fight back. Sponsorship provides yearly medical checkups, access to emergency care and quality treatments (including wheelchairs, prosthetics and more) when required.
  • To inspire a brighter future: To break the cycle of poverty, children need quality educations . Not only does sponsorship provide tuition, skills training, tutoring, supplies and textbooks, but it also ensures children have the encouragement they need to stay in school and succeed.
  • To break the cycle of poverty: A child who experiences poverty is 3.3 times more likely to raise their own children in poverty too. But through all the support listed above, children receive opportunities and tools to break the grip of poverty on their lives — ensuring their own children are free from poverty as they grow up.
  • To change entire communities: The ripple effects of sponsorship can transform entire communities. In fact, Compassion-supported children are 75% more likely to become leaders in their communities, delivering the lifesaving support and encouragement they received to others. In other words, saying yes to sponsoring a child can impact families, communities and the world.

What Makes Compassion International Different?

Many child sponsorship organizations exist. So why sponsor a child with Compassion? We do sponsorship a bit differently by putting the gospel first. Through your support, we release children from poverty through Christ-centered, church-driven and child-focused programs.

  • Christ-centered: For true transformation, children need the hope of the gospel. That’s why we share Jesus with every single child in a way they can easily understand. We don’t just provide humanitarian aid. Instead, we introduce children to Jesus, their eternal hope.
  • Church-driven: The local church that’s already established in a child’s community knows the child’s needs best. We work in partnership with local churches only, giving them the tools they need to know, love and protect children within their neighborhoods.
  • Child-focused: We address the individual needs of each child, ensuring they have what they need to be healthy in mind, body and soul. No two children are the same, so our local church partners tailor support to their unique circumstances.
Children wearing their school uniforms stand together, their hands clasped in front of them as they pray.

Provide What Children Need to Thrive — Mind, Body and Soul

As a sponsor with Compassion, you’ll help care for a child physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. With all these needs met, children can grow in the confidence, strength and health they need to reach their God-given potential.

We start with the gospel, ensuring children are introduced to Jesus as their Great Physician, Provider, Protector and Comforter. By knowing Jesus, children can understand where their hope comes from, no matter what happens next.

Our sponsorship programs also meet a child’s most critical needs, based on their unique circumstances. Examples of the support we provide include:

  • Health care, including an annual medical checkup.
  • Hygiene training.
  • Malnutrition monitoring and intervention.
  • Education and vocational training.
  • Mentorship, love and belonging.

Child Sponsorship Works: See the Proof of Your Impact

Sponsorship can change everything for a child living in poverty. How do we know? We’ve seen the incredible impact of sponsorship over and over again.

Meet Alice, Maisha and Ricardo, three children whose lives have been changed simply because their sponsors said yes to sponsoring with Compassion.

Sponsorship Inspires Hope

When you sponsor a child in need, they can go from simply surviving to dreaming about their future. For Alice, sponsorship gave her the confidence she needed to defy her brokenness and find her voice.

Alice smiles while leaning against a rock wall and wearing a brightly colored headband.

90% of Compassion alumni surveyed agree that their relationship with their sponsor motivated them to be hopeful.

Alice’s family was called “cursed” by her aunts and uncles. They had no real home to live in, just sticks, rope and a tarp. Alice watched as her older sisters married as teens and witnessed her younger brother die because of exposure to the damp night air.

“I was shattered.” — Alice

But although Alice was broken, Jesus had wholeness in store for her. Through the local church and the support of her loving sponsors, Alice received a safe home, an education and the love of Jesus.

Alice is dreaming once again. In fact, Alice’s dream is to become the most successful physiologist in all of Kenya while using her voice to fight for the rights of other girls in her community.

“I’ll work hard and help the needy children, like what my sponsors did to me. And I will not allow anything to happen to those needy children like someone abusing their rights. I will fight for them because my sponsors fought for me and got my rights back.” — Alice

Sponsorship Equips Change-Makers

With the support of a sponsor on their side, a child can not only break the chains of poverty in their own life but also offer hope to those around them. For Maisha, sponsorship helped him strengthen his mind through education and skills training.

Maisha leans again a brick wall and smiles for the camera.

90% of alumni surveyed in the Dominican Republic serve in their communities.

88% of pastors agreed Compassion helps them prepare children for vocations that will break the cycle of poverty.

Maisha’s family of eight lived in a cramped home that couldn’t keep out the heavy rains. His parents did all they could to support their children, but they couldn’t afford a better house.

For Maisha, education was out of the question until the local church and his sponsors stepped in. Through their support, he received funds for school, where he began to dream about his future. Maisha decided to become a mason.

“I wanted to learn masonry so I could help my family build their own houses. I wanted to support them.” — Maisha

Maisha received the support and encouragement he needed to finish school and receive specialized training. Now as a mason, he has built homes for himself, his relatives and community members.

Maisha is able to support himself with his profession, and even more powerfully, he is a change-maker within his community, providing safe shelter to those in need.

Sponsorship Supports Health and Well-Being

Quality medical care is out of reach for many children living in poverty. Sponsorship changes that. For Ricardo, sponsorship provided the medical and spiritual care he needed to thrive after a near-death experience.

Ricardo kneels on a dirt road while holding an adorable white dog. Both smile for the camera.

Under Compassion’s program requirements, every child development center must provide medical checkups, growth monitoring, immunizations and other health-related guidance to children within our program.

After an appendectomy, Ricardo suffered a perforated intestine and a painful infection. Fanny, Ricardo’s mother, shuddered as the doctors told her, “Your son may not make it.” But she knew who to call on.

In desperation, she reached out to Ricardo’s Compassion center directors and asked them to pray. When his directors visited him in the hospital, they found him in agony, depressed and hopeless. But as they prayed over him, he started to feel peace and began trusting God to see him through.

“I want to live. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I want to live today holding God’s hand.” — Ricardo

After weeks of pain, Ricardo was able to leave the hospital with newfound strength. Once home, the local church mobilized, providing funds for his critical medication and the special diet he now requires.

With his physical needs met, including medical exams to prevent future medical concerns, Ricardo looks to the future. He dreams of playing drums in the praise band at church and of helping people in his community. While Ricardo’s body bears the scars of surgery, his soul bears the hope of Jesus.

Sponsor a Child in Need and Change Their Life

Children like Alice, Maisha and Ricardo are no strangers to brokenness and pain. But when you sponsor a child in need, you partner with us in being the hands and feet of Jesus, turning brokenness into wholeness for children like them facing poverty.

Your yes to sponsorship with Compassion can change a child’s life now and for eternity.

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

— Isaiah 1:17, NIV

Change a Child’s Life With Compassion

child writes a letter while other children watch

A child needs the hope you have to give. Join us in releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name by sponsoring today.

child writes a letter while other children watch