Compassion Stories

    El Salvador Disaster Relief
    When Hope Wins: Alexander’s Story
    As a child in El Salvador, Alexander endured many losses — beginning with the death of his father. But the support of his local church and Compassion center gave him hope. Watch this touching video to hear from the remarkable man he is today.
    Kenya Alumni Child Development Global Food Crisis Youth Development
    When Hope Enters: This Inspiring Kenyan Rescues Pregnant Girls
    As a child living in extreme poverty, Maureen came to believe that her family would be better off dead. But when a new message entered her life — one of love and hope for a better future — she held tightly to it. See Maureen’s remarkable journey from a desperate child in Kenya to the director of a nonprofit that serves girls in crisis.
    Tanzania Alumni
    When Hope Grows: A Welder Inspires His Students
    Growing up in poverty in Tanzania, it was difficult for Emmanuel to attend school or have enough food. But when he was enrolled at the local Compassion center, everything changed. Watch this powerful video to see how the local church and the love of Christ rewrote Emmanuel’s story.
    Oka's Story
    Indonesia Alumni
    When Hope Remains: Oka’s Resilient Faith

    Oka’s story is about hope. Hope that perseveres through hardship and follows God’s call wherever it leads. Click here to learn how Oka is passing on a legacy of hope to his community in Indonesia.

    Michael holds a photo of his younger self.
    Kenya Child Development Sponsorship Youth Development
    How Sponsorship is Changing the Future of My Country!
    As a teacher and head of education at a nonprofit, Compassion program graduate Michael works to bring hope and education to Kenya’s future: children.
    Olive stands in front of her home
    Uganda Alumni Sponsorship
    Hope & Healing: Olive’s Sponsorship Story

    Facing displacement and fear, Olive needed a place of refuge — and that's what she found at her local Compassion center.

    10 Ways to Pray to Help You Grow Closer to God
    Through prayer, our relationship with God grows stronger. Here are different types of prayers to explore as you seek his presence.
    Building Faith in Your Kids Through the Power of Prayer