Together, we can expand hope and reach more children living in poverty more quickly.

a group of children pose and smile for photo

Far too many children living in extreme poverty only know darkness. They experience higher rates of abuse, neglect, hunger and exploitation, and are left without hope. But God has called us to shine light into the darkness. We are working to respond and expand hope for more children. Their lives have been shrouded in darkness for too long, but with your help we can show them the light, love and hope of Jesus.

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”
JOHN 12:46, NIV

a group of children pose and smile for photo

The top three ministry priorities

Explore these strategic areas of ministry focus and, as God leads you, and where your own heart aligns, please generously invest in meeting the needs of children. If you’d like to support our work in all these areas, consider making a generous gift to our Where Most Needed Fund.

Ministry Expansion

Within the countries we currently serve, our Frontline Church Partners are only reaching 1.3% of the children that could qualify for our program. For every child that walks through the church doors, there are more waiting outside, hoping to be invited in. Our holistic child development program works, and we hope to reach more children with education assistance, medical care and the hope that comes with knowing Jesus.

  • A gift of $1,500 enables a local church partner to welcome 5 additional children from their community.
  • A gift of $12,000 enables a local church partner to welcome 40 additional children from their community.

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Speaker in front of audience
Crisis Response & Resilience

Children in Haiti are facing extreme violence and instability. El Niño is causing widespread drought across Africa. Global supply-chain disruptions and inflation are increasing the price of staple foods. All these crises are worsening safety and food insecurity for millions of children, leaving them vulnerable, hurting and hungry. With your help, we can equip churches in crisis areas to feed, meet basic needs and improve long-term food security for hungry children.

  • A gift of $1,000 feeds 10 households in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, or Haiti for one month
  • A gift of $5,000 provides one month of food relief for 100 families in other Compassion countries affected by the global food crisis.
  • A gift of $16,000 provides emergency care for 20 families displaced because of conflict.

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Mother with her two children
Baby & Mom Survival

Countless obstacles stand in the way for babies and new mothers living in poverty. Medical centers are far away, parent education is out of reach, and malnutrition hinders breastfeeding and healthy development. Through Survival programming at Compassion-partnered churches, staff members can introduce holistic child development as early as possible in a baby’s life — ideally when their mother is still pregnant.

  • A gift of $1,000 helps a mom and baby survive until the baby’s first birthday.
  • A gift of $15,000 maintains an existing Compassion Survival center for one year.

Learn more >

Mother holding new born baby

The top three ministry priorities

Explore these strategic areas of ministry focus and, as God leads you, and where your own heart aligns, please generously invest in meeting the needs of children.

Ministry Expansion

Within the countries we currently serve, our Frontline Church Partners are only reaching 1.3% of the children that could qualify for our program. For every child that walks through the church doors, there are more waiting outside, hoping to be invited in. Our holistic child development program works, and we hope to reach more children with education assistance, medical care and the hope that comes with knowing Jesus.

  • A gift of $25,000 enables local church partners to welcome 83 additional children from their community.
  • A gift of $75,000 enables local church partners to welcome 250 additional children from their community.
  • A gift of $200,000 enables local church partners to welcome 667 additional children from their community.

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Crisis Response & Resiliency

Children in Haiti are facing extreme violence and instability. El Niño is causing widespread drought across Africa. Global supply-chain disruptions and inflation are increasing the price of staple foods. All these crises are worsening safety and food insecurity for millions of children, leaving them vulnerable, hurting and hungry. With your help, we can equip churches in crisis areas to feed, meet basic needs and improve long-term food security for hungry children.

  • A gift of $25,000 feeds 125 households in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, or Haiti for two months.
  • A gift of $75,000 provides two months of food relief for 375 families in other Compassion countries affected by the global food crisis.
  • A gift of $200,000 supports 250 families internally displaced by conflict with emergency relief, including food and shelter.

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Baby & Mom Survival

Countless obstacles stand in the way for babies and new mothers living in poverty. Medical centers are far away, parent education is out of reach, and malnutrition hinders breastfeeding and healthy development. Through Survival programming at Compassion-partnered churches, staff members can introduce holistic child development as early as possible in a baby’s life — ideally when their mother is still pregnant.

  • A gift of $25,000 supports 25 new babies and their mothers in the Compassion Survival Program for one year.
  • A gift of $50,000 supports 50 babies and their mothers in the Compassion Survival Program for one year.
  • A gift of $125,000 supports 125 babies and their mothers in the Compassion Survival Program for one year.

Learn more >

a mother holds her child

Why Compassion?

Simply put, the Compassion model works. In fact, major independent studies have historically shown that Compassion program graduates are much more likely to gain salaried work, finish secondary education, go to college and be leaders in their communities and churches.*

Each child we serve is a life full of God-given potential. Together, we can show them that, as they grow into capable and empowered adults, Christ’s love will never let them down.

*Shrewd Samaritan: Faith, Economics, and the Road to Loving Our Global Neighbors, 2019

Our approach to helping children escape extreme poverty is effective and scalable.


2.3 million children have an opportunity to hear the gospel in an age-appropriate and culturally relevant way.


We partner with 8,800 churches to ensure each child is known, loved and protected.


We serve children across 29 countries, caring for them like we’d want our own children treated.

Our holistic child development program isn’t just relief.

It’s designed to help children from birth to age 22 to grow:

  • Physically — through malnutrition monitoring, medical care and staff and parents trained in child protection.
  • Emotionally — through safe environments, friendships, mentorship and the love of staff, volunteers and sponsors.
  • Mentally — through education assistance, tutoring, skills training and career development.
  • Spiritually — through learning about and experiencing the love of God.

Your contributions are stewarded wisely to help children around the world.

We're committed to the highest standards of financial integrity and accountability, only using money for the purpose it was raised, regularly performing audits to ensure our programs are well managed and funds are properly disbursed and applied. We balance low administrative and fundraising costs with high-quality programs.

of total expenses were for program development and delivery.
of total expenses went to fundraising to further advance the mission.
of total expenses went to administration to reach even more children.
Charity Watch Logo

We exceed governance benchmarks.

Better Business Bureau Logo

Earned for trustworthiness in the marketplace.


We are accredited for upholding integrity.

“Compassion is a multiplier of opportunities to change lives. Compassion creates opportunities for us to use our resources as tools for good, for us to do something incredibly meaningful for the greater good. And because Compassion has been at this for such a long time, they have the systems and structure in place, and they have the accountability, which is why it is so effective in its mission. We’re passionate about our work and our path with Compassion, and we’re always encouraging others to get in on the blessings that supporting Compassion brings into your life.”

— Paul and Lori, Compassion supporters in the USA

Learn more about our top ministry priorities

Speaker in front of audience
Ministry Expansion
Mother with her two children
Crisis Response & Resilience
Mother holding new born baby
Baby & Mom Survival