|   Posted: April 04, 2023

As a sponsor, you’re part of a community of believers who choose to give selflessly, planting seeds in their sponsored children’s lives that sprout and grow into beautiful stories of transformation and impact.

What’s Your ‘Why?’ Sponsors Reflect on Why They Choose to Sponsor

As a sponsor, you’re part of a community of believers who choose to give selflessly, planting seeds in their sponsored children’s lives that sprout and grow into beautiful stories of transformation and impact.

What moves you to give? Here’s what some members of the Compassion family are saying:

“Sponsoring a child has given me a personal connection to words like ‘poverty’ and ‘hunger’ — and also ‘compassion.’ These aren't just words anymore — they have a name and a face attached to them.”

“Sponsorship has taught us how easy it is to love others. It has also defined family differently for us. It gives us a peek at someone else's life ... far from us. It blesses us to know that we're making a difference in someone's life.”

“Having the ability to provide food, medical care and education for a child, as well as teaching them about Jesus, just makes my heart happy!”

“It has blessed me knowing that my small contribution is making an impact across the world.”

What's your 'why'? Post on your favorite social platforms and tag Compassion to join a community of voices celebrating the meaning and power of sponsorship. Curious as to why you should sponsor a child with Compassion? Learn more about how child sponsorship helps.