Locally Led & Inclusive Development

Working With Over 8,700 Local Churches as Community Development Partners

Local Church assisting nearby community

Compassion partners with local churches as they know the unique needs of impoverished children and families in their communities best.

Local Church assisting nearby community

Compassion Programs Are Locally Led

Compassion works with a network of more than 8,700 local church partners, empowering them to co-design local strategies, lead in operational planning and share in accountability for program outcomes that are financed and supported by Compassion.

Local church partners have the unique ability and responsibility to meet specific needs by developing contextually appropriate programs within Compassion’s guidelines so that children are fully known, loved and protected.

More than half of Compassion International’s funding is implemented directly by local church partners, which lead in design and management, drive resourcing decisions across the program cycle, and determine sector priorities and adaptation in the local context.

Compassion’s child-focused programming is inclusive of local communities, including families, caregivers and service providers. Children are included regardless of church affiliation or membership.

By 2029, we seek to expand the number of directly impacted children and youth from 2.3 million to 3.3 million.


The Ripple Effects Transform Communities

Compassion also assists the households of sponsored children and strives to make an impact at the community level. Millions more people are currently assisted indirectly, both inside and outside of targeted communities.

For example, beyond children and youth, more than 65,000 new mothers are supported by our Survival program in caring for their infants. We’re continuously developing and delivering programming through our local church partners that results in ripple effects that effectively transform impoverished communities.

Other Core Competencies

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Evidence-Based Child & Youth Development

We maintain academic partnerships to deepen an evidence base for improving our effectiveness in child and youth development.

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Excellence in Protection & Safeguarding

We know, love and protect program participants through cross-functional protection and safeguarding standards.

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Sourcing & Scaling Local Innovation

We pursue local innovation while supporting an ecosystem to resource the scaling of innovation.

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