"When I was pregnant, the [Compassion Nurturer child development specialist] was teaching me to have my follow-ups at the health center and that I should give birth there only. This teaching has helped a lot. With God’s help, I have given birth in the health center.
After I gave birth, my baby and I have been getting things from the program that benefit our lives. To mention some, we get different health lessons, spiritual programs, food support and sanitation items. My baby and I get free medical treatment when we get sick. We also have a feeding program at the center once a week. We cook food in groups and feed ourselves and our children."
"Our fellowship with other mothers in the program is one of the activities I enjoy most in the program because of our love, care for each other, sharing our experiences with one another about raising children and our group discussions on different issues. My daughter is growing well. She will start taking solid food after one month; thanks be to God. I would like to thank you so much for the support you have given me and are giving me. God bless you richly."