Dear prayer partner,

What do you remember about going to school? The word education might remind you of classrooms, libraries and stressful exams. Maybe school wasn’t something you looked forward to. But many children around the world see getting a decent education very differently — as a seemingly unattainable dream.

Without education, a child has little hope of escaping poverty. If they don’t go to school, menial jobs are often the only work available to them as they become adults. Without the knowledge or skills for better employment, they struggle to get safe or decent-paying jobs. For girls, teen pregnancy and marriage are much more likely when they are not going to school regularly.

This month, our prayers are for the children in so many countries struggling to access classrooms due to school fees or other barriers. Pray that both girls and boys would be given learning opportunities that equip them for their futures in powerful ways. And pray that as children take in knowledge, they also come to know God. Only knowing God can bring them true freedom.

Together, let’s pray that parents and local Compassion staff will have the wisdom and resources to keep children in school so they can have childhoods full of learning — and that they can learn to fear the Lord as their minds take in knowledge about His world!


  • Praise God for the life-changing skills mothers in Nsanje, Malawi, are learning at their children’s Compassion center. They’ve been able to move beyond just trying to feed their families each day and are now able to support themselves and their families long term.

  • Praise God that Compassion centers in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso have been able to distribute emergency food to participants despite the ongoing conflicts. This aid is a critical step for the survival of families in the region.

  • Praise God that sponsored children and their families were kept safe from a fire that destroyed their homes in the Philippines. They have also been able to receive aid from the local government and their Compassion center as they begin to rebuild their homes.