How Does Sponsorship Work?

After you watch the video, here are some ideas to keep exploring the topic of poverty as a family:

  • How do you think José Manuel felt before he joined the Compassion program? How do you think he feels now that he goes to a Compassion center and has a sponsor?
  • In the video, we learned that Compassion programs take place at local churches in the neighborhoods where sponsored children live. Why is it a good idea to work with churches that are already in children’s neighborhoods? What are some things children learn at church?
  • How does it feel to know that our family is part of God’s Big Family that includes churches, children and other sponsors around the world?
  • What are some ways we can spread God’s love in our own neighborhood, school and church?

Compassion 101

waving girl
Let 9-year-old Juanita walk you through the basics of Compassion's program in a fun way!
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waving girl