Two Ways to Help Release a Child from Poverty

Donate for Urgent Needs

Donate to provide urgent food, medical care, education, and spiritual support for children in need.

Sponsor a Child in Poverty

Help Release a Child from Poverty

Poverty is a devasting villain. It steals, destroys and sickens. We refuse to allow poverty to steal the potential of children in developing countries. We ask you to join us in this life-saving mission.

We work with children and families in extreme poverty. With the support of caring people like you, we deliver life-changing holistic care, offering food, education, medical care and spiritual support.

Compassion is not a relief organization – we are a release organization. Our mission is releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

We care about a child’s physical needs, but we also care about their emotional, spiritual and social needs. We’ve learned that caring for the complete child is the most effective way to break the bonds of poverty that can stretch back for generations.

We invite you to join us in this mission!