| Posted: October 12, 2022
| Updated: October 12, 2022
Final Update - October 26, 2022
The rainy season continues on the coast of Colombia; however, a total of 99 participants and their families have all received disaster relief assistance from the Compassion Colombia National Office. The Child Development Centers (CDCs) have been able to provide food kits, mattresses and other supplies, as needed. The CDC staff will continue to monitor the situation and provide aid to affected families as needs arise.
We appreciate your prayers for these children and their families.
October 11, 2022
Colombia is experiencing its second season of heavy rain. The recent rain and strong winds have affected several cities along the coast. So far, 87 participants and their families have been affected; many of their homes sustained roof damage and flooding. The Child Development Centers (CDCs) have been able to use disaster relief funds to supply materials to rebuild some of the houses. They will continue to assess the situation and provide help as needed.
Please pray for the affected participants and their families as they recover from the flooding.