|   Posted: October 20, 2022   |   Updated: October 20, 2022

Final Update - October 26, 2022

The flood waters have receded and a total of 13 participants received clothing, food, bedding, and materials to repair their homes from the Compassion East Indonesia National Office and the Child Development Centers (CDCs).

Thank you for praying for these families!

October 20, 2022

Heavy rains caused flooding of the Salumpak River in the Mari-Mari Village, which is located in the Sabbang Disctrict, North of Luwu and South of Sulawesi in East Indonesia. The river overflowed into the houses of 13 participants and flooded the rice fields, causing loss of their household items and livelihood. The Child Development Center (CDC) staff is providing clothes, basic food and bedding as needed to the participants and their families, and will continue to monitor the situation for further needs.

Please pray for these families as they restore what has been lost.