| Posted: April 13, 2021
| Updated: May 04, 2021
Disaster Final Report: April 30, 2021
The Compassion Indonesia National Office received a report that all affected beneficiaries have received necessary assistance. A total of 72 beneficiaries and their families were impacted. Some families are still living in their neighbor while their houses are being repaired.
Thanks for your prayers for the affected beneficiaries and their families.
Disaster Alert: April 27, 2021
The Child Development Center (CDC) staff report that, to date, 72 beneficiaries and their families have been impacted. They are staying with neighbors or living in tents and using the church toilet facilities. The parents are making repairs their houses. The CDCs have provided kitchen ware and basic food needs.
Please continue to pray for affected beneficiaries and their families as well as the church partners as they recover from this disaster.
Disaster Alert: April 13, 2021
On Saturday, April 10 2021, a 6.1 earthquake impacted Tambakrejo-Tamban Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur (East Java). Initial reports are that some beneficiary houses received minor damage, and some families temporarily left the area but have since returned to their houses. An aftershock affected the area on April 11, causing more damage. Some parents stopped working to repair their houses. The Child Development Centers and Compassion Indonesia National Office are collaborating to provide disaster relief funds for repairs to damaged homes, repairing toilets and providing for basic needs such as rice, oil and cookware. A specific list of beneficiaries is not yet available.
Please pray for affected beneficiaries and their families and for church partners as they assess the situation and provide support.