When you want to help someone catch a vision, a video is one of the best ways to do it.

Videos are effective tools to help you start a conversation about the needs of children living in poverty, and how Compassion’s holistic child development model works. Find a video you love, and share it on social media or via email. Use it to tell your friends and family why you’re passionate about releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. To browse more videos, visit us on YouTube.

For access to any of the original video files, please reach out to us at [email protected].

The Wait is Over

Step inside the amazing experience that takes place when children find out they finally have a sponsor of their very own! Watch real reactions, and see for yourself that the simple act of sponsorship has real impact that goes far beyond what we imagine. This 4-minute video is an excellent tool for sharing in one-on-one conversations, as well as with large and small groups.

Lost in Translation

Sometimes the things kids say in letters to their sponsors doesn't quite translate to English. Regardless of what they say, we know what they mean: I love you! While this entertaining video is fun to share anywhere, it’s especially great to share with your friends and family on social media.

What is Poverty?

Poverty is not just a lack of money. It's about a lack of hope. This video breaks down what poverty really looks like … and highlights how we can help eradicate it. It’s a great tool to help convince whomever you’re talking with that they can play a role in ending child poverty!

It Works

A team of independent researchers spent 12 years researching the difference Compassion’s child sponsorship program makes to adults who’ve come through the program. See the amazing results this team discovered! This video is an effective way to answer questions and convince your friends, family, and church that their partnership with Compassion will make a proven, life-changing difference.

How Compassion Works

Dive into Compassion’s unique way of working with local churches to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. This video is a great place to start when you’re talking with people who may not yet be familiar with the basics of how Compassion, sponsors like you, and the local church are working together to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

If you need access to the original file for one of our videos, please contact us at [email protected].