Your Planning Guide is ready!

Your Planning Guide and free book will arrive in your mailbox in a few days, but you don’t have to wait! Click the download button for a sneak peek.

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Get started on your next steps now!

  1. Invite your church to participate in Compassion Sunday

    To host a Compassion Sunday event at your church, first, you need to coordinate the details with your church leaders. If you're not sure how, we can help! You can send your pastor or church leader this prewritten message inviting them to be a part of Compassion Sunday, and be sure to check out this page for more helpful tips and resources.

  2. Register your event

    Already have the OK to host an event? Great! When you register your event, we'll send you your Event Kit with table display materials and all the resources you need for a successful Compassion Sunday.


Order Your FREE Planning Guide and receive a FREE copy of “What Are You Going To Do?”

Compassion Sunday is a day to share with your church family about your heart for children trapped in poverty. We'll help you customize your event for your church's unique needs — whether that means helping you plan a virtual event, sending you child packets from a specific country or providing extra materials.

We’ll send you a Planning Guide and your free book in the mail, but you’ll also have access to a digital Planning Guide online.

If you're ready to host a Compassion Sunday event or if you're still on the fence, the Planning Guide will give you all the information you need! It’s totally free, and ordering one doesn't obligate you to anything, so let us know where we should send yours.

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Image of Compassion Sunday planning guide and What Are You Going To Do
When you open your planning guide, you’ll find …
  1. A helpful, 11-page guide all about Compassion Sunday to give to your pastor.
  2. A simple Event Registration Form for you to fill out and send back to us.
  3. A Presentation Guide containing suggested presentations, tips, FAQ and more.
  4. A brand-new Prayer Guide, beautiful enough to hang up in your home.
Angel, Compassion Sunday host

“I wasn’t sure what I needed to do to host on Compassion Sunday, but the host materials made it so clear and easy to follow. I was able to make it my own without being afraid that I would miss anything. I can’t wait to do it again next year!”
— Angel, Compassion Sunday host