Every year many companies participate in a corporate giving campaign. Organizations such as Global Impact usually host these events. If your company has a fund drive like this, you can take this opportunity to support Compassion.

How does it work?

At community and workplace fund-raising drives, Global Impact represents non-profits and charities, offering people like you the opportunity to donate to Compassion through payroll deductions.

When the campaign begins, ask the hosting organization if Compassion is one of the nonprofits listed for you to donate toward. If not, you can write us in! Our tax identification number is 362423707.

Small boy smiling
Young girl outside smiling
Small child smiling

If you sponsor a Compassion child, please note that gifts contributed through a corporate giving campaign cannot be used toward monthly sponsorship. Since Compassion is not in control of exactly when we receive the contribution, it is not possible to allocate it for sponsorship. Instead, the gift will go to the Where Most Needed Fund.

Want to learn more? Contact us about corporate giving.