Hope Starts Here

This interactive, family-friendly Experience is hosted in your church building over the course of an unforgettable weekend. State-of-the-art touchscreen kiosks virtually transport your congregation to Uganda, where you’ll meet a real child named Blessing, watch her family confront the daily realities of poverty, and learn that for a child in desperate need, Hope Starts Here with you. It’s free to both attend and host as part of a weekend worship service celebrating God’s global heart for kids. We’ll also fund and manage a Hope Starts Here social media advertising campaign to bring your community into your church building!

Experience the realities of extreme poverty and the local church’s incredible response.

Hope Starts Here only takes 30 minutes to walk through, but it ignites conversations around biblical justice, the Great Commission, and the opportunity we all have to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. It gives your congregation an incredible glimpse of how the Gospel transforms lives "to the end of the earth." It can provide families with an invaluable teaching moment. And it's an opportunity to renew your church's heart for discipleship, global missions, and generosity.

Hope Starts Here is free to attend, and it’s free for your church to host as part of a weekend worship service celebrating God’s global heart for children. This Experience requires around 1,000 square feet of indoor space and a handful of volunteers, so it’s typically best for congregations over 300 people in size.

Ready to explore bringing Hope Starts Here to your church? Click or tap this button and complete the short form; a Compassion church representative will be in touch soon!

Bring this Experience to my church!