The Ripple Effect of Your Compassion

A visit to the Dominican Republic to talk with caregivers reminds us just how far the impact of your support can go!

This exciting research demonstrates the power of God, the local church and supporters like you to transform the lives of children living in the Dominican Republic.

Dr. Amy Pennar, a behavioral scientist at Compassion International, shares findings from a recent study on the impact of Compassion’s programs in the Dominican Republic.

In the above video, Dr. Pennar breaks down the ways in which caregivers see improvements in their children’s lives and shares what daily release from poverty looks like for sponsored children.

“Being released from poverty is not an eventual outcome; it is a daily occurrence,” says Dr. Pennar.


Love of Jesus

91% of caregivers agreed that the Compassion program is helping their child learn about the love of Jesus


Hopeful & Confident

92% of surveyed caregivers agreed that Compassion helps their child feel hopeful and confident


Safer Community

94% of caregivers agreed that Compassion has helped create a safer community for their children

Release from poverty happens every. single. day.

This daily impact in a kid’s life builds their character and empowers them to become who God designed them to be.

We Care About Family

Learn how Compassion invests in entire families by visiting this page that marks the International Day of Families.

Family First

Life-changing Impact

A gift to Compassion’s Where Most Needed Fund truly sends ripples of change throughout families and communities.

A Powerful Gift

The Power of Prayer

This prayer calendar will give you specific requests for children in the Compassion program and their families each month.

Join in Prayer

“We used to live like ants, but now we have a home where the water does not get in and it does not get flooded. Thanks to Compassion, we were all able to know Christ, we are now all Christian. I was able to take courses and prepare myself through baking cakes and pastries. My children's conduct has changed. Thanks to the center's help in bringing us a psychologist, my oldest daughter has changed so much. We don't fight in our home anymore; God has changed it all.”

— mother of a Compassion sponsored child in the Dominican Republic

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of total expenses were for program development and delivery.
of total expenses went to fundraising to further advance the mission.
of total expenses went to administration to reach even more children.
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