
Nicaragua flag

Hola / Hello from Nicaragua

Language: Spanish

Volcanoes, beaches and tropical wildlife are Nicaragua’s greatest attractions. The country also struggles with widespread poverty and low school attendance. Compassion-assisted children experience these realities daily. But at the Compassion center, there is hope.

Nicaragua Stats

POPULATION: 6,850,540
58.5% Roman Catholic
21.6% Evangelical
19.9% Other, unspecified or none




The local pastor plays soccer with children at the child development center

The local pastor plays soccer with children at the child development center.

A young boy holds his schoolbooks and backpack in his hands

A young boy holds his schoolbooks and backpack in his hands.

A young girl washes her hands with water from the new water tank installed at her child development center

A young girl washes her hands with water from the new water tank installed at her child development center.

A young boy smiles as he enjoys a nutritious meal

A young boy smiles as he enjoys a nutritious meal.

A young girl smiles in front of a colorful wall

A young girl smiles in front of a colorful wall.

A girl stands outside and feeds chickens

A girl stands outside and feeds chickens.

A group of girls play tambourines and dance together

A group of girls play tambourines and dance together.

A young boy holds his hands together to pray during a lesson

A young boy holds his hands together to pray during a lesson.

A mother pushes her baby in a stroller

A mother pushes her baby in a stroller.

Children laugh and play together at their child development center

Children laugh and play together at their child development center.



  1. Nicaragua is home to the largest lake in Central America, Lake Nicaragua.
  2. The country has a unique tradition of volcanic surfing.
  3. Cities like Granada and León feature well-preserved Spanish colonial buildings, including churches, cathedrals, and colorful houses, offering a glimpse into Nicaragua's history.
  4. It is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region with intense volcanic and seismic activity.
  5. The country is home to vast rainforests, cloud forests, and nature reserves that shelter an array of wildlife, including jaguars, sloths, toucans, and howler monkeys.


Issue: Only about 70% of children in Nicaragua attend primary school. Therefore, the number who complete secondary school or college is low. Without an education, young people have limited opportunities to fulfill their potential and become financially self-sufficient adults.

Response: Education is a priority at Compassion centers. Children receive tutoring and encouragement, and those who need it get help to pay the direct and hidden costs of attending school. As children get older, they also have opportunities for non formal and vocational training that can help them succeed as adults.

Prayer Point: Pray for school-age children — that they and their parents will come to understand the value of education and make it a priority.

Children reading books at a blue desk in their classroom

Beneficiaries learn skills and obtain education to help them thrive.


Visit the Compassion blog to learn more about our work in Nicaragua.

Did You Know?

Nicaragua is home to Lake Managua — the only freshwater lake in the world that has sharks. Bull sharks travel into the lake from the Atlantic Ocean through the San Juan River. They can adapt to fresh water, allowing them to live in Lake Managua!

Sponsor a Child in Nicaragua

Life in Nicaragua

Nicaragua Fast Facts

Official Name: Republic of Nicaragua

Form of Government: Presidential republic

Capital: Managua

Population: 6,203,441

Languages: Spanish (official), English, indigenous languages

Currency: Nicaraguan cordoba

Area: 49,998 square miles (129,494 square kilometers)

Compassion has been working in Nicaragua since 2002. These Nicaragua facts and statistics provide a good picture of the reality of poverty and how child sponsorship through Compassion is making a difference.

Poverty is a problem in the country of Nicaragua but with your support, Compassion is working to change this. The Nicaragua facts tell a difficult story, but Compassion is bringing hope in the midst of the difficulties. Our programs are changing the statistics one child at a time.

Don't let the hopelessness of poverty overwhelm you. Sponsor a child in Nicaragua!